

A notes to install, configure and maintenance of various services(daemons) for Linux ecosystem will be placed here. Arch Linux/CentOS 7 will be used as server OS. CentOS 7 based on upstream source of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and widely used on servers, contains very stable but not new application packages. Arch Linux - quite stable Linux distro based on latest versions of stable packages. It uses rolling release model to update. »


About tftp TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) - main usage is booting of OS for disk-less network devices or workstations. But, this protocol is used to load a binary file of firmware to embedded devices very often too. For example: tftp is used to initial flash of OpenWrt firmware to some models of routers. TFTP based on UDP protocol and uses port 69. Install of tftp server Arch Linux is used on my PC, but there are no significant differences for installing and configuring of the tftp server on other Linux OS »